American Home Elevator Installs Pool Lifts
Providing equal opportunity to people with disabilities is the fundamental principle of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II and Title III are to designed to help understand how new requirements for swimming pools, especially existing pools, apply to them.
People with disabilities were, for too long, excluded from participating in many recreational activities, including swimming. The revised 2010 Standards change that. For the first time, the 2010 Standards set minimum requirements for making swimming pools, wading pools, and spas (pools) accessible. Newly constructed and altered pools must meet these requirements. Public entities and public accommodations also have obligations with respect to existing pools. State and local governments must make recreational programs and services, including swimming pool programs, accessible to people with disabilities. Public accommodations must bring existing pools into compliance with the 2010 Standards to the extent that it is readily achievable to do so.
The requirements for newly constructed and existing pools will ensure that, going forward, people with disabilities can enjoy the same activities—a community swim meet; private swim lessons; a hotel pool—at the same locations and with the same independence, ease, and convenience as everyone else.
*In some cases there are tax credits or deductions to help you comply with the ADA required changes